DATE POSTED | 10 Dec 2020

Seasons Greetings from the CEO’s Office

2020 taught us. 

It taught us about expectations, purpose, and futureproofing. It taught us about human connection, the gravitas of our impact… and Zoom, Microsoft Teams and so much more. It taught us how to be strong and agile. It taught us it’s ok, not to always be ok. It taught us about mental health and self-discipline and the power of dancing together.

If there’s one thing that sudden change, chaos, and challenge will do, it reaffirms what is truly meaningful to you. In moments when everything is uncertain and the pressure is at an all-time high, you’re somehow able to connect more deeply with what really matters.

Along with the rest of the world, we had to drop all expectations and learn how to adjust our sails and adapt with speed. Our problem-solving skills, endurance, and agility were tested like never before. We had to implement everything we teach about being prepared for this VUCA world, and by doing so, we managed to exceed our own expectations in what we could achieve as a business, a team, and as individuals.

We were able to navigate lockdown not just by doing what was necessary to survive, but by staying connected to our purpose, by doing what is best for our people- our Learners, our teams, and our clients.

This year affirmed like never before the importance of human connection and how much we impact one another. We longed to be together – to break bread, to share, and to laugh once more. We are a collective, with every individual having an effect on the whole. We have a responsibility to support and empower one another at every single opportunity. This is our passion and our purpose at KLM Empowered. Greatness does not belong to one person. It is the result of working together. Greatness means learning together, dancing together, going through the tough times together, and celebrating together when they’re over.

2020 exceeded expectations on every level. We could never have imagined what was coming, but when you rise to meet your external circumstances with the tools you have, with the solid partnerships in our clients, our suppliers, and faculty and surrounded by a game-changing Warrior Tribe who are ignited by purpose, you can always exceed expectation. This we did.

Our sincerest thanks and appreciation is extended to you, our esteemed clients for the entrustment of your projects, your faith in our ability to navigate the storm, and your ongoing partnership with KLM Empowered. We could not continue to grow greatness without your respected and valued business. For this, we are deeply grateful and humbled.


2020’s Highlights

15 years of impact

This year we celebrated our 15th birthday! This decade-and-a-half has seen phenomenal growth, challenges, and triumphs and we’re so grateful to every single human being who’s been on the ride with us. Here’s to 15 more!


Awarded the SABPP – Leading Digital Learning Provider 2020

We were awarded the SABPP Digital Learning – Leading Provider Award 2020. We are grateful, proud, and beyond excited to grow in the exhilarating space of online blended learning. To be recognised for our accomplishments by the SABPP is a major feat to which we owe thanks to the cohesion and hard work of our dream team of change champions.

Read the full announcement here


Approved on-line provider 2020

In the midst of lockdown Level 4, we celebrated the approval of KLM Empowered as an on-line blended Training Provider as awarded by the Services SETA.


Level 1 B-BBEE fifth year in a row!

We have maintained our QSE B-BBEE Level 1 status for 5 years in a row. This is an achievement reflecting the positive transformation and empowerment we continue to contribute to South Africa. We will continue to grow our footprint and empower opportunities as we venture into 2021 and beyond.

Read the full announcement here


QCTO Registration, Accreditation and Assessment Centre

With the assistance of our willing clients to partner with KLM Empowered by confirming their workplaces as suitable sites for experiential learning for occupational qualifications, KLM Empowered achieved our registration, accreditation, and Assessment Centre as awarded by the QCTO.

A hearty thanks to our valued clients for your participation. We are excited to collaborate with many more willing companies to join us in establishing suitable experiential workplace sites for the implementation of the QCTO qualifications.

For further information, please email


Dancing for Hope

In October we came together as a team to dance the Jerusalema. We rehearsed, we sweated, we laughed, and we put on a show! Coming together as a team for South Africa, for humanity, was a profound and memorable moment that brought us together in hope.

Watch the video here


The Positive Pages

Over 100 of our Learners took part in a writing masterclass during Lockdown, in which they learned how to write a short story that evoked joy. Many Learners entered their stories into a competition by our partners Room 206 in which selected stories were published in an e-book of “little stories for a lot of joy”- The Positive Pages.

Well done to many of our Learners who were published!

Download the e-book here


Happy, Hearty Holidays!

Before 2020 soon draws to a close, we wish you a happy, safe, and joyful holiday season filled with the people you love, a purpose you’re connected to and some much, much needed rest!

We close on the 18th of December 2020 and will open again on 06th January 2021, ready for whatever this new year may bring! While this year has taught us not to have any expectations, we will certainly be geared towards greater expansion in thought, in spirit, and in actions, ready to find our more!


Happy Holidays and warmest of Christmas wishes,

Lyn Mansour

& The KLM Empowered Management Team

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