The purpose of this Qualification is to provide learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the field of Business Consulting (ERP). It also contains the knowledge and skills required to be successful with the next Qualification in the learning pathway in Business Consulting (ERP).
The Qualification provides the learner with a solid understanding of the business and technical knowledge and skills required to be able to assist in providing BCP (ERP) services, to be able to communicate effectively with clients, and to provide support to clients/users.
The Qualification provides learners with a solid grounding in the field. This will enable them to understand the South African and global ERP arena and will underpin their ability to use this learning in various business environments. The development of competence in this field will lead to better service delivery, company longevity, the promotion of wealth and job creation.
It can further stimulate and support skills development in the SMME sector.
This Qualification recognises the fact that knowledge and the application of Enterprise Resource Planning is a business imperative, necessary for the success of any organisation, both strategically and operationally. This Certificate in BCP (ERP) is thus designed to enable individuals to develop the theoretical competencies and the practical skills to operate effectively in the field
This Qualification can be achieved wholly or in part through the Recognition of Prior Learning. The Qualification may be granted to learners who have acquired the skills and knowledge without attending formal courses providing they can demonstrate competence in the Specific Outcomes of the individual Unit Standards and the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification.
An RPL process may also be used to credit learners with Unit Standards in which they have developed the necessary competency as a result of workplace and experiential learning
Learners submitting themselves for RPL should be thoroughly briefed prior to the assessment, and will be required to submit a Portfolio of Evidence in the prescribed format to be assessed for formal recognition. While this is primarily a workplace-based Qualification, evidence from other areas of endeavour may be introduced if pertinent to any of the exit level outcomes.
The approach taken to RPL in this Qualification reflects the objectives of the NQF in that it will allow access to Qualifications for a large section of previously disadvantaged persons who were marginalised from mainstream education and training. RPL will also provide access for the youth and unemployed to embark on learning and career path progression. However, RPL is perhaps more relevant to provide recognition of experience acquired over many years in the workplace for those already employed. RPL will allow these persons to accumulate credits for experiential learning gained.