KLM Empowered is proud to announce that we have maintained our QSE B-BBEE Level 1 status for 5 years in a row. All Scorecard criteria have proudly been met within the categories of equity ownership of 30.10% Black Female, management control, skills development, enterprise and supplier development, and socio-economic development.
As a strategic B-BBEE partner and Skills Development Provider, the core of our business is to empower people. KLM Empowered is built on a deep love for South Africa, a drive for positive transformation, and an ethos of excellence. Therefore, upholding our B-BBEE status is an extremely important part of what we fundamentally drive to achieve as an enterprise. We are constantly growing and adjusting in order to maintain a standard of excellence in how we affect lives, both internally at KLM Empowered, and externally through our work and empowering initiatives.
Our Level 1 B-BBEE status is an achievement reflecting the positive transformation and empowerment we are contributing to South Africa. KLM Empowered will continue to grow our footprint and empower opportunities as we venture into 2021 and beyond.