DATE POSTED | 29 Aug 2019

Lead the 4th Industrial Revolution with a New Satellite of KLM Empowered

The 4th Industrial Revolution is disrupting industry. Rapid technological development is shifting landscapes across the globe at the most significant pace in history. Although this is an exciting time that presents phenomenal opportunities for new levels of innovation and business success, it also means we have to learn and adapt faster than ever before.

As all areas of life become more integrated, and the digital economy prompts customers to change their perception of value and functionality, leaders are called upon to drive continuous innovation, enable digital transformation and organizational transition, redefine customer experiences, and build agile processes, all while keeping teams connected and engaged.

Without a doubt, we need a different kind of leadership now than in the past. Regrettably, as digital disruption sweeps across every major industry, leadership capabilities are not keeping pace.

With this in mind, KLM Empowered has established the Knowledge X-Change Centre of Leadership Excellence to build the leadership mind-sets, styles and ways of working that are suited to coping with the speed and complexity of this new operating environment. This unique, state-of-the-art facility is centered around conscious and holistic approaches to learning, such as engaged peer-to-peer conversation, leadership action and behaviour simulations (LABS), and effective energy management.

The Knowledge X-Change Centre of Leadership Excellence hosts Leadership MasterClasses designed to take aspirational and seasoned leaders on a journey that starts with the roots of effectiveness, provides a platform for growing to greatness, and culminates in mastering digital citizenship and leadership.  The cycle consists of six MasterClasses—immersive learning experiences that expose leaders to the dynamics of the digital economy and grow the necessary skills to thrive in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world.


Each MasterClass experience includes:

  • Online pre-work to develop an understanding of the topic
  • Two days of deep discussion, action, and reflection together with several other learners hosted in the Theatre of Meraki
  • A set of tools and guidelines for easy application of learning
  • A business-driven action learning project to foster learning by doing
  • A memorable life experience to reinforce learning and catalyse retention (optional)
  • A CrowdLearning CouchConversations session to consolidate learning and address obstacles to success
  • A wellbeing and breathwork session to reinvigorate and re-energise
  • An executive coaching session to agree on a personal action plan to benefit from the learning (optional).

As customer expectations, business processes, and operating models are reinvented by disruptive technologies, the most valuable leaders of tomorrow will be those who can proactively shape their businesses and business operations around change, rather than simply reacting to it. They’re leaders who can find new opportunities, implement innovative solutions, and redefine business for the future.

KLM Empowered is excited to be actively developing leaders for the 4th Industrial Revolution through the Knowledge X-Change Centre of Leadership Excellence. Our key purpose is to produce future-fit leaders who lead in a conscious, human way, as well as to ignite and unite a community of novaturients.


Book your MasterClass today!


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