KLM Empowered Human Solutions Specialists
Important Client Communiqué from the CEO’s Desk
Keeping Our Voice Heard – National State of Disaster – Lockdown
Dearest Valued Clients, Business Partners and fellow Novaturients,
Today, this 26th day of March 2020, will be a day in our living history that will mark another first, a first that we have not witnessed or lived before. Generations that will surpass us will read about this time, the impact of this global enemy, Covid-19 and learn lessons on how the world came together as one to protect all humanity. They will read about those that rose and those that had fallen, the true humanitarians and heroes of this time and know them by name. Businesses that stood strong and those that led the charge against the invisible enemy in protection of their people and every family that they support, and those, that exploited the crisis against humanity for their own gain.
Today, as we prepare for isolation at the midnight hour to work together as a nation, yet apart, to flatten the curve, we are emotionally preparing for combat and facing the greatest unknown of our lifetime. This time will test our faith, our will, our discipline and our ability to rise above.
It is time to take control and still live our best life, knowing we are going to live life differently. It’s time to grow your personal greatness and silence your mind as you expand your thoughts to bring new wonderment and innovation to this world we live in. It is a time, when the greatest enemy, Fear, will either have victory over us and conquer our human spirit or we will choose to fight this fight and strengthen our will through mindfulness, gratitude, inner peace and through kindness to others, and to self. This is a time where we will witness our personal reactions and the reactions from others, the changing personalities and darkness sheer panic brings, when fear intrudes upon the
Human Spirit.
In this time, we have, and will continue to witness the power and resilience of the Human Spirit and heart in how we react. We are those “others”, as we are all one. We are South Africans, we are resourceful, resilient and determined. We are strong and we are even stronger as a collective and this, I have been Blessed to witness. To our KLM Empowered family that have pushed hard in keeping our engines running, navigating through this unprecedented time of rapid change, digging deep and doing all possible to redirect, re-plan, redeploy, reinvent and redo every 12 hours. I salute our warriors, our KLM Empowered warrior tribe, as I do each and every one of you. I honour your pure and determined Human Spirit for which we can all stand proud. We will display the heroism needed during this challenging time. We will prioritise the wellbeing of all.
We will reassure each other and act selflessly. As we continue to navigate this storm and set sail remotely, remaining together (even though physically apart) the engines of KLM Empowered will remain stoked by key members and our voices of KLM Empowered will continue to be heard.
As we prepare to gear up for the last push today, the importance of leaving our house in order could not be more vital at this time as it is getting your own home in order.
To manage this process KLM Empowered has further implemented the following measures to support your learners, the facilitators and the projects for which we have been entrusted;
1. All classes are now officially suspended;
2. Self-Study Lesson plans are being prepared for each learner group nationally and will be sent out electronically and posted on the KXC LMS;
3. Facilitators have been commissioned to conducted telephonic 1 hour sessions per learner on a pre-planned schedule in continuance of their learning and supporting them on a one on one thereafter this shutdown period;
4. Assessors and Moderators have been advised to collect all the P.O.E’s for assessment and moderation to complete all work required;
5. P.O.E’s for Groups completed nationally are being prepared for external moderation on our return;
6. All facilitators and learners have been communicated with constantly;
7. The KLM Empowered, Social assignment, the Movement for Good, has been aligned to the Coronavirus, addressing personal wellbeing and innovative measures during this shutdown period -this is for all new groups and is to be presented on their return to class and must be communicated accordingly today;
8. Each group is uploaded with all learning material and lesson plans on the KXC LMS. Access is being prepared for the facilitators, assessors and learners – this will be communicated via email and SMS;
9. Learners have been contacted almost daily to advise and communicate information. This is to continue throughout this period;
10. All communications and updates have been sent to our clients, facilitators and learners as well as internal communications distributed;
1. As all businesses, KLM Empowered will be closed by 17H00 today for the lockdown.
2. All key team members are accessible via email and via mobile phone throughout this
lockdown period;
CEO; Lyn Mansour 082 330 5160 lyn.mansour@klmempowered.com
Head of People and Business; Clayton Lendrum 066 478 2706 clayton.lendrum@klmempowered.com
GM: Project Operations; Bernice Ebersey 079 774 7300 bernice.ebersey@klmempowered.com
GM: Business Intelligence/Compliance; Portia Matuludi 071 610 4984 businessintelligence@klmempowered.com
Snr Manager: ICT; Nontombi Mkosana 079 693 8066 ict@klmempowered.com
As we continue to pray that a vaccine for Covid-19 is discovered, I urge you to take every precaution necessary, as this threat as we are aware, is very real to every human. May we all to remain calm, not panic, remain healthy, remain informed and remain positive that we and the world will overcome. Please know, if at any time, you need to
reach out to connect, even just for a chat, I am a phone call away as is the KLM Empowered team.
Please follow KLM Empowered on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and on our website www.klmempowered.com for information updates.
We pray for the protection and for our families. We pray for a cure. We pray for collaborative unity and support amongst all.
Together, we will discover smarter ways of living life. We will rediscover who we are and the importance of living a meaningful live. We will become mindful of others and self, whilst we exercise body soul and mind, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the beauty of nature we have often forgot. We will be filled with gratitude for each beautiful day as we continue to breathe and live this human life. In unity we shall rise!
Stay Blessed. Stay safe. Stay positive. Stay switched on. When the storm comes to pass, we will all come together to dance in the rain.
*Please be advised that this Communique is Draft 4 as at 26th March 2020 and will be updated and
amended accordingly as and when further communication is received by the World Health Organisation and
our President.
Sincerely yours,
Lyn Mansour
UPDATE 23 March 2020
Dear Valued Clients, Business Partners, Consultants, Suppliers and Employees,
Further to the recent communications posted on the 20th March regarding Covid -19 outbreak which was declared a Global pandemic by the World Health Organisation on the 11 March 2020. The current statistics confirm 274 cases now reported within South Africa as at 22nd March, with persons infected through international travel and a much smaller percentage through local contamination. Most cases fall within Gauteng (132). Northern Cape and North West are the only two provinces with zero confirmed cases. Most cases within South Africa fall within the 31-40 years age group as reported on News24.These numbers are expected to continue rising rapidly.
Given the pace and speed of this pandemic and further to President Cyril Ramaphosa declaring a National State of Disaster in South Africa on Sunday 15th March, we await an updated address from the President today on the next measures to be taken.
Again, this will continue to impact on the citizens of the country, businesses and the overall economy. We must remain vigilant in our approach to making swift and informed decisions by collaborating with our management team, respected clients, business partners, facilitators and suppliers.
As a responsible business and DHET registered Private College we heeded to the call of our President and have suspend all classes based at our facilities from the 18th March 2020 until the end of April 2020. KLM Empowered remains vigilant and responsible in ensuring correct protocols are implemented and maintained, in the best interest of the safety of all our employees, clients, facilitators, suppliers and learners.
Suspension of Classes
On engagement with each of our clients, collective decisions have been be taken on the smaller groups based at company and host sites. Should protocols further change, we will realign in collaboration with our clients and notify all facilitators and learners of KLM Empowered on any updated information accordingly. Despite suspension of classes, we continue to take every reasonable and stringent measure to ensure work is still being carried out timeously, and our production rapidly accelerates to ensure no hinderance to the process or to our national projects as best possible.
Important Notification
All learner classes on various sites including KLM Empowered’s Centre of Business Excellence had been notified of suspension of all classes with immediate effect on Monday 16th and on the 17th, and other classes off-site, from the 18th March;
Smaller groups off-site and at alternative venues have subsequently been suspended and majority of company sites which continued their classes until Friday 20th March.
This by no means implies a suspension of self-study and essential continuance by learners during the period of suspension. All self-study, assignments and formative assessments are to be completed on return to class and presentations prepared for the Move for Good for those newer groups.
Facilitators will be on-call to assist with any queries the learners may require assistance with. KLM Empowered will be in contact with learners throughout this time to ensure all deliverables are being met.
Attending workplaces is NOT suspended and will continue as normal with all reasonable precautionary measures put in place until further notice.
All learners and facilitators will be kept informed via email, SMS and via personal telephonic contact and are to visit www.klmempowered.com. Please ensure to keep abreast with all the communication via the various mediums.
KLM Empowered will be communicating personal log in detail to our Knowledge X-Change LMS whereby the learners are able to keep updated on class information and have access to your Learning Programmes and Facilitators. This will be communicated this week.
In the interim, all facilitators have provided sufficient work to be covered and completed during this suspension phase to ensure that this unfortunate situation does not impact on the progress of the Learnership. Learners are instructed to ensure to complete all assignments and modules as instructed in preparation for your return to class.
Please Note;
All Graduations will be postponed until May depending on the call from the President.
KLM Empowered will continue to closely monitor the situation within our borders and all commentary from the World Health Organisation, the United Nations and Heads of State updates and addresses. The wellbeing of our employees, clients, facilitators, suppliers and learners is of paramount importance. KLM Empowered is committed to implementing and managing all reasonable precautionary measures to ensure effective communications, reliable information and constant updates with preventive protection remaining a top priority.
As Covid-19 continues to pose a serious threat and risk to everyone’s health, to the global economy and local business, we urge a conscious mindfulness and awareness towards intensified legitimate education, prevention and protective measures by all parties both within the workplace, host sites, social circles, communities and on one’s self and families.
With our broader audience of learners and employees being majority vulnerable youth with disability, KLM Empowered has prioritised informed awareness and education on the virus and the protective measures that are to be adhered to.
We urge all visitors to KLM Empowered, to our offices, classes, host sites and sites of our clients to please exercise all precaution necessary by following the protocols below:
SAFE – safe from the Coronavirus
SMART – well informed
KIND – and support one another
ALERT – of being amongst large crowds
MINDFULL – be conscious of others and symptoms:
2. Symptoms
Should you experience any symptoms as noted on the WHO website i.e.;
– Sore Throat
– Fever
– Dry Cough
– Shortness of Breath
Please do not report to work, to class, or to our offices.
Immediately self-quarantine after being assessed by your Medical Practitioner for a period of 14 days.
Provide a medical certificate before returning to work or to class.
Should you be experiencing any shortness of breath, report to your nearest hospital Emergency Centre immediately.
For more information save the following number to your WhatsApp for local advice and updates on Covid -19: 060 0123456. Alternatively visit:
Government has set up access to a data and airtime free website for all updated information: coronavirus.datafree.co
2.1. Places to Get Tested in SA
3. Precautionary Measures
3.1. Practice good hygiene;
3.2. Frequently wash hands with soap and hot water;
3.3. Disinfect hands at all times with sanitizer when touching common areas or within your workplace, workstation, or on receipt of any third-party goods or engagement with another party;
3.4. Avoid touching your face, and personal contact with another person i.e. shaking hands, hugging;
3.5. Do not share utensils, glasses, food or any personal items;
3.6. Practice social distancing;
3.7. Keep an approximately 1-meter distance between people;
3.8. Be mindful when coughing or sneezing, please carry and use tissues that must be disposed of immediately and cough or sneeze into the flex of your arm;
3.9. Disinfect, desks, chairs, telephones, mobile phones, computers screens and keyboards, access controls, doors and door handles;
3.10. Disinfect and sanitise workplaces throughout the day;
4. Our Commitment
4.1. To educate, to communicate, to keep informed on updates on Covid – 19 to all employees, clients, consultants, suppliers and learners;
4.2. To collaborate and partner with our clients, business partners and suppliers to ensure all reasonable protective measures are aligned and adhered to in support of each other;
4.3. Disinfectant and sanitizers will be implemented at all access points and common areas;
4.4. All workstations and classrooms will be sanitised multiple times during the day;
4.5. All attendance and wellbeing will be monitored closely and reported;
4.6. All air travel has been suspended unless it is an absolutely necessity;
4.7. Meetings will be continuing via virtual online sessions;
4.8. All persons visiting the KLM Empowered sites will be required to sign a declaration of their recent travels, gatherings and contact with international visitors.
Your valued assistance and cooperation in mitigating the risks and managing this pandemic is kindly requested and appreciated.
As the world continues to work relentlessly to finding a vaccine for Covid-19 and the threat remains very real to every human, I encourage you to remain calm, do not panic, remain healthy, remain informed and remain positive that the world will overcome.
Find smarter ways of living life through keeping Faith, innovating, exercising, being kind and by enjoying the sunshine.
Please follow KLM Empowered on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and on our website www.klmempowered.com for information updates.
This Communique will be published on the KLM Empowered website under the NEWS section.
We continue pray for those that have been infected, for those who have lost loved ones, for countries that have been crippled by this pandemic. We pray for our country, our leaders to make well informed decisions, for our people and those vulnerable citizens in our society. We pray for our protection and for a cure. We pray for collaborative unity and support amongst all. In unity we shall rise!
*Please be advised that this Communique is Draft 3 as at 23rd March 2020 and will be updated and amended accordingly as and when further communication is received by the World Health Organisation and our President.
Sincerely yours,
Lyn Mansour
UPDATE 19 March 2020
Dear Valued Clients, Business Partners, Consultants, Suppliers, Learners and Employees
The COVID -19 outbreak was declared a Global pandemic by the World Health Organisation on the 11 March 2020 with 62 confirmed cases now reported within South Africa as at 17th March, with persons infected through international travel and more recent, through local contamination. These numbers are expected to rapidly rise. With the world facing an emergency given the pace and speed of this pandemic, and President Cyril Ramaphosa declaring a National State of Disaster in South Africa, it is imperative that swift and informed decisions are made in collaboration with our respected clients business partners, consultants, suppliers, learners and employees.
As a responsible business and DHET registered Private College we have heeded to the call of our President and will postpone all classes based at our facilities until the end of April 2020. KLM Empowered has a responsibility to carry out correct protocols, and ensure the safety of all our business partners, employees, clients, consultants, suppliers and learners.
Despite cancellation of classes, we are taking every stringent measure to ensure work is still being carried out timeously, and our production will by no means be hindered.
KLM Empowered will continue to closely monitor the situation within our borders and all commentary from the World Health Organisation, the United Nations and Heads of State updates and addresses. The wellbeing of our business partners, employees, clients, consultants, suppliers and learners is of paramount importance. KLM Empowered is committed to implementing and managing all reasonable precautionary measures to ensure effective communications, reliable information and constant updates with preventive protection remaining a top priority.
As Covid-19 continues to pose a serious threat and risk to everyone’s health, to the global economy and local business, we urge a conscious mindfulness and awareness towards intensified legitimate education, prevention and protective measures by all parties both within the workplace, host sites, social circles, communities and on one’s self and families.
With our broader audience of learners and employees being majority vulnerable youth with disability, KLM Empowered will prioritize informed awareness and education on the virus and the protective measures that are to be adhered to.
We urge all visitors to KLM Empowered, to our offices, classes, host sites and sites of our clients to please exercise all precaution necessary by following the protocols below:
1. Ensure to BE:
SAFE – safe from the Coronavirus
SMART – well informed
KIND – and support one another
ALERT – of being amongst large crowds
MINDFULL – be conscious of others and symptoms:
2. Symptoms
Should you experience any symptoms as noted on the WHO website i.e.;
– Sore Throat
– Fever
– Dry Cough
– Shortness of Breath
Please do not report to work, to class, or to our offices.
Immediately self-quarantine after being assessed by your Medical Practitioner for a period of 7 to 14 days.
Provide a medical certificate before returning to work or to class.
Should you be experiencing any shortness of breath, report to your nearest hospital Emergency Centre immediately.
For more information save the following number to your WhatsApp for local advice and updates on Covid -19: 060 012 3456. Alternatively visit:
3. Precautionary Measures
3.1. Practice good hygiene;
3.2. Frequently wash hands with soap and hot water;
3.3. Disinfect hands at all times with sanitizer when touching common areas or within your workplace, workstation, or on receipt of any third-party goods or engagement with another party;
3.4. Avoid touching your face, and personal contact with another person i.e. shaking hands, hugging;
3.5. Do not share utensils, glasses, food or any personal items;
3.6. Practice social distancing;
3.7. Keep an approximately 1-metre distance between people;
3.8. Be mindful when coughing or sneezing, please carry and use tissues that must be disposed of immediately and cough or sneeze into the flex of your arm;
3.9. Disinfect, desks, chairs, telephones, mobile phones, computers screens and keyboards, access controls, doors and door handles;
3.10. Disinfect and sanitise workplaces throughout the day;
3.11. Air Travel will be reduced to an absolute necessity;
3.12. Client meetings will be continued with caution and via virtual online sessions;
3.13. Some small offsite classes will continue with all the necessary precautionary measures in place until further notice and as per the directive received from the clients;
4. Our Commitment
4.1. To educate, to communicate, to keep informed on updates on Covid – 19 to all business partners, employees, clients, consultants, suppliers and learners;
4.2. To collaborate and partner with our clients, business partners and suppliers to ensure all reasonable protective measures are aligned and adhered to in support of each other;
4.3. Disinfectant and sanitisers will be implemented at all access points and Common areas;
4.4. All workstations and classrooms will be sanitised multiple times during the day;
4.5. All attendance and wellbeing will be monitored closely and reported;
Your valued assistance and cooperation in mitigating the risks and managing this pandemic is kindly requested and appreciated.
As the world works relentlessly to find a vaccine for Covid-19 and the threat is very real to every human, I encourage you to remain calm, do not panic, remain healthy, remain informed and remain positive that the world will overcome.
We pray for those that have been infected, for those who have lost loved ones, for countries that have been crippled by this pandemic. We pray for our country, our leaders to make well informed decisions, for our people and those vulnerable citizens in our society. We pray for our protection and for a cure. We pray for collaborative unity and support amongst all. In unity we shall rise!
*Please be advised that this is Draft 1 communication as at 17 March 2020 and will be updated and amended accordingly as and when further communication is received by the World Health Organisation and our President.
Sincerely yours,
Lyn Mansour